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Author: Dr. C. Carl Wilson

Title: God’s Design’s Family

Objective: Prioritizing what’s important in our lives and making sure that our lives align with God’s design for families.

Scripture: Matthew 22:36-40; 1 John 4:20

No Ifs, Ands, or Buts

Life pulls us in a million different directions. Work, ministry, friendships, hobbies – there's never enough time to give everyone what they want. We'll always be stretched too thin somewhere. It's inevitable.

But where do we 'cheat'? Where do we fall short? Many of us react by putting out the loudest fires – the squeakiest wheels in our lives. That often means neglecting the quiet but vital things.

God designed marriage to be a powerful picture of His love, and He created families to be close to His heart. Yet, sometimes they don't get the best of our time and focus. The Bible is clear that loving God means cherishing those He's entrusted to us (Matthew 22:36-40; 1 John 4:20).

Stretched to the Limit

Imagine a rubber band. You can stretch it, but at some point, snap! Family and marriage can be like that. We have a limited amount of ourselves to give.

Here's the challenge: Don't let life's crises dictate where you cut back. Don't let your loved ones feel like they only get your full attention when things are on fire.

God's Order, God's Help

God designed an order for us: Him first, then spouse, then children, then the rest of life. His Spirit can help us live this out. It's not always easy, but it's incredibly rewarding.

Practical Steps

  • Decide. Are you ready to make your family a non-negotiable priority?
  • Plan your exit: Where can you cut back on outside demands? Could you leave work earlier a few days a week?
  • Talk to those involved: Can your boss be flexible? Can you set clear boundaries with others so you have dedicated family time?

Remember: No one on their deathbed regrets not spending more time at the office. Invest where it truly matters: the people who will be there with you to the end, and the God who will be with you beyond the end.